Thursday, August 13, 2009

help im alive

am surprised how much i actually DONT want to go hunting. i mean, obvs i do because its hilarious to actually say that i am. buuuut right now, am perfectly content with sleeping. in my own bed, thank you. sorry matt, but those blogs of my adventures will have to wait til im back on the wagon. and believe me.. the day will come. PS - totally hating on how LA papz are in my city. we are becoming a true hollywood north. my predictions are coming true. it starts with twilight guys. first twilight. then the olympics. and then the next thing you know, we're gonna have our own walk of fame with stars on the sidewalks and chinese theatre. imagine how crazy that would be?! am not sure how i feel about this anymore.

my alcohol consumption is increasing errday. its kind of gross. or kind of awesome? you decide! the way i see it.. its summertime?!?! suure..

im so totally loving my new phone. its so smart (hence the name 'smartphonne,' duhhh) but seriously. am txting on it always. i google everything. and i get to stalk.. i mean, view, where people are. twitter is scary.

need new music. educate me, please. my only not so mainstream music is the shit i hear at work. and granted, sometimes they give me good education like la roux or little boots but i feel that they are slowing down. it used to be that what i heard in my store would only hit the radio 6-12months later. these days, i find that im hearing the same stuff all at once?! if that makes sense... in any case, i want music education and i want it maintenant!!

i love bboys. its a fact now. shieet. totally thought i was over that phase from back in the day. but no. what was once a bonus is now a necessity. crap. vancouver lacks that scene. where oh where can i go!! dtrix is love. bwahahah!!

im always tired these days. perhaps its the irregular sleeping patterns. i sleep at 3am and then wake up every couple of hours. its weird. i dont like it. i think i may start crying. wait. stop. i find i sleep best after a good night of dancing. yes. and by dancing i mean drinking. how sick is THAT.

1st love nights at tunnel (wed nights) play some of THE BEST hip hop my ears have heard. loved the music. almost didnt feel like drinking cuz i was enjoying the scene so much.. i said almost. i highly encourage everyone to test drive that night. its music for the soul, yo.

am ridiculously excited for baby lyriq to come. its kind of crazy. i almost freaked out at work today just thinking about it. and then i freaked out about something else at work. sam lopez saw it in my eyes. there were daggers coming out of them. the look of death. im learning how to master it. careful. piss me off enough i just might write a nasty blog about it. and i wont hold back. (flashback to dennys throwdown not so long ago. 'ya. him. that mother fucker thats walking. ya. you. keep walking mother fucker' - i still smile when i think about it)

why do parents let their children wear makeup? it will ruin their skin in the future!! i thank my mother everyday for scolding me every time i dare put on eye shadow and blush when i was a tween. flawless skin is my reward. ahhhhahahhkdfjkajf

time for my girly fix: me + bed + the wedding planner. yesssssssssss!!!!!! i gots my kleenex box ready.


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