Thursday, November 25, 2010

nothing on you.

why do people cheat?

in all honesty, i try my best not to judge people when i discover that they have. I mean, everyone makes mistakes. Everyone slips up every now and then. But im curious to know the WHY. what was the driving force that brought a person to make the decision to be unfaithful to their spouse they are currently with? it's mind boggling. I understand that when youre in a relationship you kind of drift into outer space and wonder hmmm what else is out there. BUT COME ON.

relationship = loyalty and trust. without both you have NOTHING.

someone please answer me this. because i am curious to know why people contemplate the "what else" when they already have, in theory, what they want??


  1. hi marzperez. thought i might offer you some insight.

    cheating is tough. anyone can cheat. i know some very simple-type folk -- not so smart -- that have cheated maybe once. then i know some very smart people -- sensitive and thoughtful, goes to school out there in Point Grey -- who can't help but cheat on their loved ones constantly.

    the stories i've heard.. cheating is often a result of things like fear (huge!), sexual desire, or sometimes, a genuine lack of awareness. sometimes, respect just goes out the window along with love and what you get is a wild-card for a partner.

    best thing to do find someone that shares in your principles.. someone that lives them. find someone that is driven to be better every day but doesn't let ambition get the best of him, won't leave you for a "better lady". find someone who gives you life, who renews you, and vice-versa. it's hard to cheat on someone who does this for you. how many people do you know "give you life"? and lastly.. know when to let go. there are times when loyalty isn't the answer. "consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds." if it's not there, then move on.. or risk getting hurt.

    hope this helps.

  2. PS. what people 'want' is in a state of constant flux. and what you want probably is too. change is impossible to stop; look at your fingernails and tell me they don't grow. don't bother with people who resist change, who insist on staying the same.. it is these people who are more likely to cheat, to be honest with you. instead, surround yourself with creative people -- not necessarily hipsters/artists -- but people who 'live creatively'.. who create as they go along. the process is truly beautiful. yeah, wants will change. but when you're creative enough to fill those wants, or transcend them altogether, then so what? change is good.
