oh riri. sometimes your cd makes me sad. and then i remember this is the "blue period" of every artist. Picasso had one. you shall too.
i will take this opportunity to express my anger towards rogers and my phone. daaaaamnit rogers and your problems with smart phones!! damn you and your lack of internet due to system upgrades!! and damn me for not knowing how to actually install these freaking upgrades!! ohso unhappy.
you know what else makes me angry? angry customers. oh. im sorry that im the only one on the floor and there are 4394 customers in the room and you clearly see that im trying to help everyone and give me evil glares as a signal for me to check on you. umm HI. im pretty sure you know where that shirt is and im pretty sure you can get it yourself if you absolutely need it right this instant. I AM ONLY ONE PERSON!! grahh. oh. and dont tell my manager to get off the phone and process your return. excuuuuuuuuse you. she is doing the best she can!! it is called multitasking. learn it. live it. love it.
i am in one bitch ass mood these days. early signs of the monthly visitor. rage anger rage.
i watched the movie "hes just not that into you" again. so smart. reminds me that there are NO signs and if a guy really wants to ask you out HE WILL. its that simple. funny story. my friend alyssa reminded me that its almost singles awareness day aka valentines and i said, "oh right! i totally forgot!... fuck love!!" end scene.
coachella? i want too. or i can just save up for other things. or pay my bills.
i really want to walk around downtown and see all the pretty olympic decorations before shit hits the fan and wont wanna be in the area ever. maaan!! can you believe the olympics are almost here? am kinda excited. am kinda wtf. its already a bitch and a half to get downtown for the burbs. and now i have to compete with foreigners for a seat on the skytrain? maaaaaaaan.
i forgot how much fun it is to drunk text. thanks people for participating in my fun on saturday night. you were all good entertainment.
ENTOURAGE MARATHON!!!!! need i say more? ive been looking forward to this day since my sister failed to take home season three. ya, i said it. you FAIL. almost as badly as my htc. ohhhhhhh man.
the end.
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