"we judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions" #realtalk
if there is anything that my PR course has taught me thus far it is this: act first. comment later. talk is cheap.
apply this to RL. if we say we're going to do something we have to do it. but what if we dont? well congrats you have just lost credibility and are now viewed as useless to your publics.
RL scenario 1: your bf says hes going to take you out on a date tomorrow night. one week later still no date?! good job, bf! you have disappointed the woman. and we all know what happens when the lady is unhappy right? ya. you know whats up.
RL scenario 2: friend says they will plan something. its been months and they still havent seen each other. friend doubts friendship and now wonders why they even bother.
RL scenario 3: how many times have you said to an old friend, "we should hang out sometime!" and then not follow through? classic.
the way i see it #5903
people have good intentions. they dont mean to hurt others' feelings. we try our best to cater to the masses. but at the end of the day we have to remember that in order to stay credible we must:
1) never lie
2) state the facts properly
3) (if we are at fault) be empathetic
i challenge you, friends to work on your credibility. i will do the same. and who knows? maybe, just maybe.. we wont be so angry/frustrated/confused with each other as much =)