current thought bubble: is it legit to be fired because of what your boss read/saw on facebook?!?! manager wants to start reading my blogs (because lets face it, im fucking hilarious) but am hesitant to link her because she may not like the shit i write about, especially about work. limited profile the peoples? well then why have her as a friend. this is my outlet. my blog is the shit bananas to me. its what i think without hesitations and YES some of the things i say are a bit unorthodox but hey. thats why blogs = my thoughts = very much uncensored, thank you. freedom of speech. its all i have. oh work. you can take away my evenings and weekends but so shall it be written so shall it be done you WILL NOT take away my blogging!!!!! hahahahahahdjfkjdkfa =)
the bp and our game. its a lifestyle really. a lifestyle that has thus coined us the nickname, "barstars." drink all day. play all night. good job, ladies. a fine weekend. welcome back, queen bee. your gretchen weiner has most certainly missed your crazy antics.
am currently txting while blogging. a faux pas. no one is allowed to interrupt my thought process. have already hung up on two phone calls. must FOCUS!!!!

HARRY POTTER TOMORROW. HARRY POTTER TOMORROW. HARRY POTTER IN T MINUS 25HRS. so excited. something about the british. something about accents really. and HELLO freddie stroma. my new crush. rpattz WHO? i kid i kid no one can replace him. but seriously. a fresh face who kind of reminds me of ryan philippe. OHHHHHHHHHH MAN. i heart celebrities. i heart eye candy. we all know im a sucker for pretty faces. its almost a complex i have. insert giddy school girl laughter. i dont care what you think. you tell me that this picture does not make you smile. even a little bit!!
which reminds me, zac effron is in vancouver filming a movie. must find him. WILL find him. im determined. my energy will be used to not only find josh jackson but zac effron too now!! ive got my work cut out for me. once again i ask the powers that be (that being youuuuuuu!!) to HELP ME FIND THEM!!!!!!!!!!! insider information please. holla at yo giiiiiirl.
for now, hp > twilight.
saw my cousins house for the first time this weekend. its a block away from english bay. needless to say i will be crashing on that couch time and time again.. HUZZAH!! i kid i kid.. but seriously. his place is totally boss.
would very much appreciate a cupcake from cupcakes right now. or tomorrow.. or maybe thursday. already planning my day off. naturally it includes me sleeping. and obviously if weather permits, it will be near a body of water of some sort. so excited.
you know what else im excited for? friday. why? because its shine. oh shine. we love shine. the music. the people. the alcohol. oh the drink. they make them with love. SO LOVING i tell you. one DLI and a red dragon and im good to go. gladiators and a dress. eff my life to themed parties.
i am a sucker for cheap teenage pop culture. they have no lyrical or educational merit. its candy for my brain. and i have a mad hardcore sweet tooth. OOH MAN that was lame. but seriously.. must find the US weekly with rpattz on it. 7 posters!! SEVEN!!! sweet jeebus how old am i????!!!
anne ate my lunch for tomorrow today. why? i dont know. she likes to think that whatever is on the counter is fair game. its funny to her. its kinda funny to me. watch yourself, anak, because one of these days i WILL throw a tna classic fit sweatfleece XL in citronella at you. yeaaaaaaaaa sucka.
negativity and sarcasm. my two new best friends.