thanks pb for the song send. muwahahah its NOT on the cd? wait what? doll domination? oh shit you like it too? insert less man points now.
so i want to make a picnic basket. with sandwiches and potato salad. and juice boxes. and possibly some gummie bears. and maybe i'll throw in some spinach dip for kicks. the problem is 1) theres no one to eat that shit with and 2) i dont have a freaking day off until next week. so i guess my picnic will have to be.. at night?? hahaha
also, i want to have a bbq. friendsters want a bbq? i am offering the household provided that we dont repeat a last year with the po knocking on my door. thanks guys!
i only need to meet rpattz and i can quit this hunt for at least a solid month or something. its freaking draining, yo. but i am super happy that my friends are willing to go with me on the hunt!! from the random dinners to the stalking of the hotels to the driving across into the boonies hehehe and arent you glad you went, michelle? you saw the hotness that was taycob. bow chicka bow wowwwww
AMEN to warm weather. summer i see you coming near and oh man. i am SO READY. last year was a bust. i mean, i had one of the best summers of my life in mtl but seriously.. it was COLD THURR. not enough sunlight. i need my tan sans cancer box
i am sad to report that my oth season 3 disc 5 doesnt work anymore. THIS IS SO UPSETTING!!! it only has one of the best episodes on it (that being, the jimmy edwards shoots tree hill high episode)
speaking of tv.. i missed gossip girl. and heroes!! i mean, it was totally worth it.. it just sucks. thank goodness for the internet. seriously. what would i do without you.
it slides in. it slides out. MUWAHAHHA. i want that phone. i am going to GET that phone. i just need help getting a better plan. i suck at confrontation, for realskies.
i really really REALLY want another vacation to the list. possibly in july. possibly montreal and nyc again?? i really kinda just wanna go back to chi town... i wonder if its possible to do that too?? 10 day vacation is what im allowing myself for the month of july. i am open for suggestions. bwahahha
oooh oooh the american dream ooh ooh do you know what i mean..
im not sure how i feel about my new hair cut still. i like it sometimes.. and other times, i think it looks like a mop. HO HUMMM...
OH! i also want ice cream. and perhaps some sushi town. AHEMAHEM core ladies, make it happen.
ps - if you were at yote on saturday and witnessed the drunkness that was moi.. i do apologize. never again.. or well.. until QUEST, BABYYY!!!!
thats all. its time to make due of the rest of my "weekend." 5 days of wrk here i come... =(