welcome 2010!!! five days in and its not too shabby. who am i kidding? ive been working strait. woop woop weekend though!! insert sentimental moments: work just isnt the same without all those seasonal help. dare i say it.. i miss them? all of them? (well.. maybe not all of them) but in general i actually do. but WHY? more often than not im the one my managers look at when they lecture how we gotta be nice to them. coughcough im sorry im a bitch. but no! this year i was nice! because they didnt suck! AAAAAAAAAMEN. and now i miss them. oh man. what to do what to do...
entourage really is the male sex and the city. only BETTER. ya i said it. the lifestyle and 'biz' that they all have is what i dream about doing one day ahhh!!! but less swear words. they cuss like truckers. thats a bit excessive. and i cant stop staring at adrien grenier. like DAMN. i think its the hair. aida says its the eyes.. but no. its the hair.
is it bad to want to drink on a constant basis?? hmm... all in moderation right? so long as im not always trashed right? i dont know anymore. all i know is i want to party and drink again. like now. like tunnel? no. MARKDOWN PARTY TOMORROW AT 008. ohhhhhhhhh man. why i volunteer my evenings to work i still dont understand.
one two three and to the four. am listening to the brown sugar soundtrack. when did you fall in love with hip hop? i still dont know.
what are your new years resolutions? mine would be to make sure i do something with these 365 days. 2009 was a joke of a year to me because i didnt do anything with it. i hardly vacationed. all i did was work. and for what? my bank account is hardly admirable so saving cant be it. i wasted soo much time doing nothing so im determined to do SOMETHING with 2010. aaaaamen.
who would have thought it cost eighty dollah to clean up a duvet. WHAT THE FUCK ASIAN LADY YOUS CRAAAAAAAAAAAZY... but understandable. she took one look at the mess and cringed. i threw up in my mouth a little bit too. whatever. it had to be done. lose lose i guess.
so i lost my camera on new years. im starting to kinda freak out because it has to be somewhere in my house! im just not looking hard enough i guess. like its in my house. no doubts. but seriously. i only SORTA know when the last time i had it. that and my cell phone. why did you let me even try to hold that shit. laaaaaaame.
on that note, new years was fucking awesome. thanks to all who attended. the good, the bad, and the ugly.. it was all worth it. so give yourselves a pat on the back for an excellent ring into the new year.
i start school next week. i start school NEXT WEEK? i start SCHOOL. NEXT WEEK?!?!?! wow. never thought id hear myself say that again.. am sorta excited. anxious is the better word i guess. prepare yourself, bcit.
... end scene.
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