... Thanks to the flow right now what up!
american thanksgiving weekend. for some thats the time of giving thanks, turkey eating in excessive portions, and possibly pumpkin pie two slices. for me, it means BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING. im not a crazy shopper im actually in control when i see all the discount signs. so i did pretty good. i came home with four new pairs of shoes. four. WHY. i do this always. i buy all these shoes but i always wear the same damn ones. you know which ones. the pleather ankle booties i got from alyssa. the AE ones. the ones that are NOT water resistant. oh but i still wear them. i cant break from them. theyre to precious. call me a pack rat i dun currr!!!
this is what i observed over the weekend:
- americans love to free pour their alcohol. WE LOVE THIS. tip them well they will treat you well. PREACH.
- american boys have, dare i say it, more balls than canadian ones. they are ten times more forward when it comes to approaching girls. some have ZERO game. you know. like the ones that expect you to dance with them when they dance behind you - umm me dancing here was NOT an open invitation for you to pull me closer and then there are those who try to pretend that they just want some 'no touch dancing' and then they try pull you closer. umm you are now in my bubble; my personal space. it is now time for youuu to leave. but despite all the lines and the moves and the 'heyy baby's' that we hear, they dont quit. and i gotta give them props. because they hold their head up high and move on to the next drunkie thats walking around.
- american clubs have gooooooood music. or maybe it was just the ones that i went to. but they beats were hard and the transitions were smooth. aaaaaaaamen.
- their portions of food are LOVING. like wow. something i look forward to, no lie. the abundance of food on a plate is sharable. me likey. even in the food court. my cousin, sister, and I shared ONE plate of chinese food. ONE PLATE. mind you, i wasnt completely stuffed but it lasted from lunch to dins. so cant complain there!
.. there were other things i observed but sadly i didnt write them down. fail.
my niece, ava, is CUUUUUUUUUUTE. she has big eyes. like BIG ONES. and i love it. its like she sees into your soul, that young one. love her. love how shes so little. lovelove and more love.
10 minute trainer. starts tomorrow. SORRY NAT! been waaay busy. what with 6 day work week last week then the states this week. such little time. so much to do.
WOOOOT EDUMACATION. getting all my courses together. what is it that im taking? marketing communications. why didnt someone tell me id be good at that when i was in university? damnit all. its okay. figured it out. my fortune is really coming true! things are coming together slowly for me. thank goodness its about time i got my shit together.
i cant find my ipod. i CANT find my ipod. i may scream just a little. i havent used it in a couple of weeks. and now ive misplaced it. this makes me very sad. because i have new music to put into it. sadface indeed. how can you be a happy ipod without the emo sounds of rihanna and and oldschool DC3 (oh yes! i broke that out of the box today)
.. im craving chicken fingers.