behold.. my bffs:

1) ma soeur: sam aka @zerepmas.
ya. shes my sister. ive known her for X amount of years. its kind of funny calling her my bff considering it wasnt too long ago where the mere sight of her would make my blood bubble. nonetheless.. she is my bff. she knows me best. i tolerate her crazy antics. it goes without saying that we're the closest of friends and the worst of enemies - she knows how to make me angry and/or burst into tears. shes my bff because i know she has my back 100% and will always tell me straight up when im being a jerk. i admire her drive to be better. shes the kind of person who will strive for more; she refuses to settle. i could go on about my sister and sing her praises but lets be honest.. shes a brat.. and i wouldnt have her any other way =)
2) chad aka my male counterpart.
i dont QUITE know why hes my bff but i know that he is. its just one of those feelings you have.. i guess the best way to describe it would be comfortable. i have no problem just going to his house to watch movies and eat food in silence. we have mad crazy banter. almost like an old married couple. except we're not married. because thats gross. like my sister, hes one of those people that is completely honest about whats what... especially about guys. i always go to him for advice to know what goes on in a guys head. we have a brother/sister kind of relationship in the sense that he lets me yell at him.. and then we can joke about it five minutes later. however, apart from the jokes our #realtalk is pretty dope. dare i say it on the world wide web.. he is one of the few people i can trust.
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