insert anxiety attack.
what outfits am i bringing? i need multiple outfits throught the entire weekend because i cant be caught dead wearing the same thing twice this weekend!! what kind of make up am i going to wear? what forms of bling should i carry? is my hair going to an up do or am i going to leave it down? clutch or sling? omg! I NEED SHOES!!! heels only because lord knows i need all the height i can get. oh dear, my arms have gotten bigger... this calls for last minute gym sesh. oh no they dont know about my piercings. do i hide them or wear them proudly?
like i said, love my family but DAMN we gotta break out our A game when we're around the lolas. pshh i dont care if you are speaking about me stealthly in tagalog. I UNDERSTAAAAND YOU EITHER WAY!!!!! anyways, long story short. i survived. as per usual, i come out unscathed.
moral of the story: despite the anxiety attacks, apart from the fact that sometimes they may break my spirit a little, seeing past the notion that YES i am emotionally scarred for lyphe.. they most certainly mean well AND have taught my valuable life lessons.
- appearances, no matter what people say, ARE IMPORTANT. you can argue the latter but at the end of the day, my lola knows. shes got a lifetime of knowledge after all. look good = feel good = biiiiiiiiig profit.
i am a firm believer that we cant judge a book by its cover. HOWEVER. if that cover is not at least a little bit eye catching, then chances are, it wont be open and therefore wont be read. sadface.
and that my friends.. is the ugly truth <3
love me like youll never see me again. akeys said it best.

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