man oh man have i been itching to write! lifes been too busy. i dont know why though its not like i do a whole lot. all i do is work. and chill with the coolest people on the planet aka my homies. other than that, life is usually not as tiring. maybe because ive been stressing. went to the bcit info session and may i just say that, that was probably one of the most intimidating moments. well, not so much intimidating more like WOAH im a first year again. didnt know where i was. didnt know who to talk to. couldnt find my car. you know, the usual. long story short: i think i figured it out =)
how convenient that rhianna is doing an interview re: chris brown and the use of her as a human punching bag MOMENTS before her new album release. i love the media. yes. lets take this opportunity to discuss the importance of abuse and somehow add a shameless plug where she will say something in her interview along the lines of, " the lyrics in my new album convey everything ive endured these last nine months." dont get me wrong, i feel for this princess. abuse is uncool, kids. if you dont know.. now you know..
TAYLOR AND TAYLOR FOR LIFE. its real and its deep. go cougars! yayy jailbait! damn these two are so freaking cute. cute cute and cute. and OHSO publicized. new moons in three weeks. taycobs on the cover of numerous gossip mags. this is not a coincidence. this is sheer genious. i love the mechanics of it all. actors need publicity. magazines and online gossip forums need someone to talk about. they work hand in hand and i cant get enough of it. hehehe on another note: would YOU date younger? sometimes i wonder if i could see past the boundaries. age aint nothing but a number. hmm. if aliyah says its okay, then i guess i can agree.
i want to travel. i NEED to travel. especially if i plan to go back to school in the near future. ive said it numerous but now im for sure. where the hell am i going. parents just told me the eurotrip is pushed to octoberish 2010. i can live with that. im just itching to get away and see something new. what id do to see the ball drop (har har) in times square...
are you excited for the olympics to hit vancouver? less than 100 days, wheeeeee!! im super pumped. the city will be so alive. mind you, thats a reason why im not entirely thrilled. no parking. transit will be a bitch. line ups to anywhere will exceed the minimum wait time of 5mins... shit. but who cares! OLYMPIIIIIIICS!!! am currently contemplating a new olympic hoodie. which one do i want. i dont know. all i know is that its going to be PARKLIFE. eff you, hudson bay company, aritzia is where its at!! olympic gear makes me happy.
the only thing i like about the iphone is the application where if you bump each others phones together it automatically saves your contacts. cheap thrill. still pretty fascinating. htc forever though. NO BBM. and NO PING APPLICATION (is that what its called?)
peace. love. ecstasy.
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