day one of the hunt was a HUGE success. was really supposed to go with miss suzara but she had stuff to do.. ergo sam lopez the sis and janice. sam and jan wanted to go because... idk. they wanted to see what was the hype about?
anyways. no joke. maybe half an hour of not even really looking just walking around we see dun dun dunnn KELLAN LUTZ. so big. his arms are the size of my head. its ridic. fans are surrounding him. he starts to walk away. i go up to him.. and it goes a little something like this...
MP: hey can i take a picture with you?
KL: who? me? why? dont you want to take a pic with that guy? (points at papz)
MP: no. i just think youre pretty cute
JY: pretty sure you just made her day.
KL: k well can we walk for a bit and then take a pic?
MP: sure. soo whats up? how are you liking vancouver? (loves our city!) what did you buy? (workout gear. i only have three pairs of shorts) blahblahblahh
KL: you know, you remind me of my best friend, natalie. shes funny, outgoing...
MP: omg really? is she short too??
KL: well... i wasnt going to say..
MP: omg so she is!!
.. we then find a spot to take pics. do the pic. the papz also take pics. we say thank you so much and then thats that.
we are then giddy. BEYOND giddy. sam lopez loves white men now. hahaha he was so nice. so crazy. love him. love it all. but. we are not done.
so we are walking around some more trying to figure out what to do. do we continue the hunt? well, where would they be? lets get japadogs. okay so now what? and them BAM. there is xavier samuel. so hot. his style is so fresh. and his accent.. ooomg his accent. our convo wasnt so great. i stumbled. i asked if his name was xavier. he said yes. i say omg youre in twilight can i have a pic! we chat about vancouver and what his plans are for the day. simple. direct. OH BUT ITS NOT OVER.
we start walking around.. and BAM. we see xavier again. we're so embarassed cuz we really werent stalking him we were just walking around and hes so sweet. he waves and says hey to us. SO HOT. did i mention we love his style? damn those aussies. they dress well.
lastly, we spot peter fancinelli however you spell.. AND JENNY GARTH. and their family. it was so awkward cuz i tried to be stealth. but when i saw miss garth my mouth just dropped and sped walked to her and started talking about 90210. dont care about the husband at this point. love. HER. hahah no pic though. because its family time. it was rude enough that we spoke with them with their kids present. so we understand =)
end the day with drinks, funny convo, jumping pics, and more hot dogs. WHAT A GREAT DAY <3

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