jason mraz is love. his music pierces my HEART i tell you!!
im getting used to typing with my solar nails, yaaaa!!! they look guuuuuuud riiighhh?? insert crazy asian accent now. thanks.
havent been blogging lately. so busy. you know. jumping off cliffs, meeting celebrities. oh. and my friend had a baby. no big deal or anything.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! its a huge deal. baby lyriq is soooo cute. and sooo tiny. just like her tita ;)
i get nostalgic just thinking about RCH. makes me smile. i had some good (and not so good) times there. oh yes. yayersss.
pretty sure i dont know where my cast is. I NEED HELP, FRIENDS. then again, i probably wont be able to pay any attention to that.
im so tired these days. seriously. my sleeping pattern is fucked for life again. i sleep but i wake up all the damn time. ugh. its annoying. and most def taking a toll on my work ethic. i dont wake up early enough to grab a coffee before work. no coffee = maria doesnt walk fast = maria is still sleeping standing up = unhappy sales. BAH.
at the end of the day, i am a selfish person. at least i can admit it. i mean, i know when to listen and when to take the focus off of myself but there are some people who simply cant. it makes me laugh.
i dont like it when my worlds collide. you people may not like that i dont like it but hey, at least im being honest. would you rather me lie? didnt think so.
am craving dosas again.. NBBY LADIES LETS DO THIS (cough bien make it happen)
500 days of summer is still the best movie ive ever seen... this year =P
im feeling very naked without my twilight movie in my dvd collection. miss lopez you better get a move on and start watching it
DID YOU KNOW... that im on youtube? hahaha over 7000 hits, ladies!! good job!! hehe kellan lutz walks with fans in vancouver. YOU KNOWWWWWWWWW IT.
i have a new found appreciation for babies. i mean, ive always loved them but im also very awkward around them. mostly because i have ADD and get distracted easily. but no. not this time!!! hehehehe!! this ones different.. shes little!! eeeeeeee!! we're gonna be best friends, you'll see =)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
the hunt.
we love the hunt. its the crazy in me coming out in full force. its real and its deep. you dont question my motives. you dont judge me. frick, even if you do judge me.. i wont care because i have fun and oddly enough.. so do the ppl who partake in this with me =)
day one of the hunt was a HUGE success. was really supposed to go with miss suzara but she had stuff to do.. ergo sam lopez the sis and janice. sam and jan wanted to go because... idk. they wanted to see what was the hype about?
anyways. no joke. maybe half an hour of not even really looking just walking around we see dun dun dunnn KELLAN LUTZ. so big. his arms are the size of my head. its ridic. fans are surrounding him. he starts to walk away. i go up to him.. and it goes a little something like this...
MP: hey can i take a picture with you?
KL: who? me? why? dont you want to take a pic with that guy? (points at papz)
MP: no. i just think youre pretty cute
JY: pretty sure you just made her day.
KL: k well can we walk for a bit and then take a pic?
MP: sure. soo whats up? how are you liking vancouver? (loves our city!) what did you buy? (workout gear. i only have three pairs of shorts) blahblahblahh
KL: you know, you remind me of my best friend, natalie. shes funny, outgoing...
MP: omg really? is she short too??
KL: well... i wasnt going to say..
MP: omg so she is!!
.. we then find a spot to take pics. do the pic. the papz also take pics. we say thank you so much and then thats that.
we are then giddy. BEYOND giddy. sam lopez loves white men now. hahaha he was so nice. so crazy. love him. love it all. but. we are not done.
so we are walking around some more trying to figure out what to do. do we continue the hunt? well, where would they be? lets get japadogs. okay so now what? and them BAM. there is xavier samuel. so hot. his style is so fresh. and his accent.. ooomg his accent. our convo wasnt so great. i stumbled. i asked if his name was xavier. he said yes. i say omg youre in twilight can i have a pic! we chat about vancouver and what his plans are for the day. simple. direct. OH BUT ITS NOT OVER.
we start walking around.. and BAM. we see xavier again. we're so embarassed cuz we really werent stalking him we were just walking around and hes so sweet. he waves and says hey to us. SO HOT. did i mention we love his style? damn those aussies. they dress well.
lastly, we spot peter fancinelli however you spell.. AND JENNY GARTH. and their family. it was so awkward cuz i tried to be stealth. but when i saw miss garth my mouth just dropped and sped walked to her and started talking about 90210. dont care about the husband at this point. love. HER. hahah no pic though. because its family time. it was rude enough that we spoke with them with their kids present. so we understand =)
end the day with drinks, funny convo, jumping pics, and more hot dogs. WHAT A GREAT DAY <3
day one of the hunt was a HUGE success. was really supposed to go with miss suzara but she had stuff to do.. ergo sam lopez the sis and janice. sam and jan wanted to go because... idk. they wanted to see what was the hype about?
anyways. no joke. maybe half an hour of not even really looking just walking around we see dun dun dunnn KELLAN LUTZ. so big. his arms are the size of my head. its ridic. fans are surrounding him. he starts to walk away. i go up to him.. and it goes a little something like this...
MP: hey can i take a picture with you?
KL: who? me? why? dont you want to take a pic with that guy? (points at papz)
MP: no. i just think youre pretty cute
JY: pretty sure you just made her day.
KL: k well can we walk for a bit and then take a pic?
MP: sure. soo whats up? how are you liking vancouver? (loves our city!) what did you buy? (workout gear. i only have three pairs of shorts) blahblahblahh
KL: you know, you remind me of my best friend, natalie. shes funny, outgoing...
MP: omg really? is she short too??
KL: well... i wasnt going to say..
MP: omg so she is!!
.. we then find a spot to take pics. do the pic. the papz also take pics. we say thank you so much and then thats that.
we are then giddy. BEYOND giddy. sam lopez loves white men now. hahaha he was so nice. so crazy. love him. love it all. but. we are not done.
so we are walking around some more trying to figure out what to do. do we continue the hunt? well, where would they be? lets get japadogs. okay so now what? and them BAM. there is xavier samuel. so hot. his style is so fresh. and his accent.. ooomg his accent. our convo wasnt so great. i stumbled. i asked if his name was xavier. he said yes. i say omg youre in twilight can i have a pic! we chat about vancouver and what his plans are for the day. simple. direct. OH BUT ITS NOT OVER.
we start walking around.. and BAM. we see xavier again. we're so embarassed cuz we really werent stalking him we were just walking around and hes so sweet. he waves and says hey to us. SO HOT. did i mention we love his style? damn those aussies. they dress well.
lastly, we spot peter fancinelli however you spell.. AND JENNY GARTH. and their family. it was so awkward cuz i tried to be stealth. but when i saw miss garth my mouth just dropped and sped walked to her and started talking about 90210. dont care about the husband at this point. love. HER. hahah no pic though. because its family time. it was rude enough that we spoke with them with their kids present. so we understand =)
end the day with drinks, funny convo, jumping pics, and more hot dogs. WHAT A GREAT DAY <3

Monday, August 17, 2009
when it was me.
my sleeping patterns are effed for life. seriously. so it was like 9pm and i was exhausted but madre said, "no dont sleep yet or else you wont sleep tonight!" so i was like hmms okay i'll watch tv with the sister. what happens? i fall asleep. i think i was out for a solid hour or so. anyways, it is now 1230am. and im not tired. CRAP.
im all out of dvds to watch. well thats a lie. i borrowed august rush from chad. but im not in the mood for something like that. i want cheesy chick flicks.. like 17 again!! hehehe!!
so the after party to the baby shower was yote.. obvs. but it was not yote. oh HELL NO IT WAS NOT. there were too many whilte people. and i said that out loud. a white guy looked at me and laughed. well it was truuuue!!! and so many sluts. sorry guys, but i am not 19 and do not enjoy the dry hump dance. back the fuck up. it was a different crowd. the music lacked soul. and more importantly.. there were lasers. green ones. i felt like i was at caprice. if i wanted to party in a place like that, i would have gone downtown. but no. i like my hole in the wall bar. but not when its filled with children. or maybe im just getting too old for the yote. oh! and to top it all off.. despite the abundance of Caucasians im the building i stil felt like i was in the Philippines. so. many. FOBS!!! where is the 1.5 generation at!! (refer to vancouver sun aritcle re: aritzia) either they were white. or they were full on bakit why filipinos. and im not trying to hate or anything but you know what im talking about. the ego inflated im the ishh boys who think that just by grinding up on you is somehow an invitation into your lady business. once again i repeat.. back. the. fuck. up. needless to say, yote failed. epic fail.
do not tell me kstew and rpattz are dating. i refuse to believe, damnit!! oh. on that note, my coworker, alyssa "vanessa hudgens" suzara wants me to take her hunting. i cant stop laughing about that. its awesome.
so i went to get my nails done. how typical it was run by nammers. and then when they were done i was looking at my new nails (which btw are so weird.. they make clicking noises. im not used to that!) and then the viet guy was like, "it look guuuuud right?" omg. i loved it. nammers make me smile.
you know what else makes me smile? old school beats. sigh. cant get enough of it. i am so proud to be a child raised in the 90s.
another day another dollar. work is still interesting.. for now. i have to keep my eyes open though for opportunity. cant walk around blind sighted anymore.
im in my moods again. this party girl is DONE. i want to watch movies and eat pizza, damnit!!
so she weighs a buck oh five. and i guess that shes alright.. if perfections what you like.
im all out of dvds to watch. well thats a lie. i borrowed august rush from chad. but im not in the mood for something like that. i want cheesy chick flicks.. like 17 again!! hehehe!!
so the after party to the baby shower was yote.. obvs. but it was not yote. oh HELL NO IT WAS NOT. there were too many whilte people. and i said that out loud. a white guy looked at me and laughed. well it was truuuue!!! and so many sluts. sorry guys, but i am not 19 and do not enjoy the dry hump dance. back the fuck up. it was a different crowd. the music lacked soul. and more importantly.. there were lasers. green ones. i felt like i was at caprice. if i wanted to party in a place like that, i would have gone downtown. but no. i like my hole in the wall bar. but not when its filled with children. or maybe im just getting too old for the yote. oh! and to top it all off.. despite the abundance of Caucasians im the building i stil felt like i was in the Philippines. so. many. FOBS!!! where is the 1.5 generation at!! (refer to vancouver sun aritcle re: aritzia) either they were white. or they were full on bakit why filipinos. and im not trying to hate or anything but you know what im talking about. the ego inflated im the ishh boys who think that just by grinding up on you is somehow an invitation into your lady business. once again i repeat.. back. the. fuck. up. needless to say, yote failed. epic fail.
do not tell me kstew and rpattz are dating. i refuse to believe, damnit!! oh. on that note, my coworker, alyssa "vanessa hudgens" suzara wants me to take her hunting. i cant stop laughing about that. its awesome.
so i went to get my nails done. how typical it was run by nammers. and then when they were done i was looking at my new nails (which btw are so weird.. they make clicking noises. im not used to that!) and then the viet guy was like, "it look guuuuud right?" omg. i loved it. nammers make me smile.
you know what else makes me smile? old school beats. sigh. cant get enough of it. i am so proud to be a child raised in the 90s.
another day another dollar. work is still interesting.. for now. i have to keep my eyes open though for opportunity. cant walk around blind sighted anymore.
im in my moods again. this party girl is DONE. i want to watch movies and eat pizza, damnit!!
so she weighs a buck oh five. and i guess that shes alright.. if perfections what you like.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
help im alive
am surprised how much i actually DONT want to go hunting. i mean, obvs i do because its hilarious to actually say that i am. buuuut right now, am perfectly content with sleeping. in my own bed, thank you. sorry matt, but those blogs of my adventures will have to wait til im back on the wagon. and believe me.. the day will come. PS - totally hating on how LA papz are in my city. we are becoming a true hollywood north. my predictions are coming true. it starts with twilight guys. first twilight. then the olympics. and then the next thing you know, we're gonna have our own walk of fame with stars on the sidewalks and chinese theatre. imagine how crazy that would be?! am not sure how i feel about this anymore.
my alcohol consumption is increasing errday. its kind of gross. or kind of awesome? you decide! the way i see it.. its summertime?!?! suure..
im so totally loving my new phone. its so smart (hence the name 'smartphonne,' duhhh) but seriously. am txting on it always. i google everything. and i get to stalk.. i mean, view, where people are. twitter is scary.
need new music. educate me, please. my only not so mainstream music is the shit i hear at work. and granted, sometimes they give me good education like la roux or little boots but i feel that they are slowing down. it used to be that what i heard in my store would only hit the radio 6-12months later. these days, i find that im hearing the same stuff all at once?! if that makes sense... in any case, i want music education and i want it maintenant!!
i love bboys. its a fact now. shieet. totally thought i was over that phase from back in the day. but no. what was once a bonus is now a necessity. crap. vancouver lacks that scene. where oh where can i go!! dtrix is love. bwahahah!!
im always tired these days. perhaps its the irregular sleeping patterns. i sleep at 3am and then wake up every couple of hours. its weird. i dont like it. i think i may start crying. wait. stop. i find i sleep best after a good night of dancing. yes. and by dancing i mean drinking. how sick is THAT.
1st love nights at tunnel (wed nights) play some of THE BEST hip hop my ears have heard. loved the music. almost didnt feel like drinking cuz i was enjoying the scene so much.. i said almost. i highly encourage everyone to test drive that night. its music for the soul, yo.
am ridiculously excited for baby lyriq to come. its kind of crazy. i almost freaked out at work today just thinking about it. and then i freaked out about something else at work. sam lopez saw it in my eyes. there were daggers coming out of them. the look of death. im learning how to master it. careful. piss me off enough i just might write a nasty blog about it. and i wont hold back. (flashback to dennys throwdown not so long ago. 'ya. him. that mother fucker thats walking. ya. you. keep walking mother fucker' - i still smile when i think about it)
why do parents let their children wear makeup? it will ruin their skin in the future!! i thank my mother everyday for scolding me every time i dare put on eye shadow and blush when i was a tween. flawless skin is my reward. ahhhhahahhkdfjkajf
time for my girly fix: me + bed + the wedding planner. yesssssssssss!!!!!! i gots my kleenex box ready.
my alcohol consumption is increasing errday. its kind of gross. or kind of awesome? you decide! the way i see it.. its summertime?!?! suure..
im so totally loving my new phone. its so smart (hence the name 'smartphonne,' duhhh) but seriously. am txting on it always. i google everything. and i get to stalk.. i mean, view, where people are. twitter is scary.
need new music. educate me, please. my only not so mainstream music is the shit i hear at work. and granted, sometimes they give me good education like la roux or little boots but i feel that they are slowing down. it used to be that what i heard in my store would only hit the radio 6-12months later. these days, i find that im hearing the same stuff all at once?! if that makes sense... in any case, i want music education and i want it maintenant!!
i love bboys. its a fact now. shieet. totally thought i was over that phase from back in the day. but no. what was once a bonus is now a necessity. crap. vancouver lacks that scene. where oh where can i go!! dtrix is love. bwahahah!!
im always tired these days. perhaps its the irregular sleeping patterns. i sleep at 3am and then wake up every couple of hours. its weird. i dont like it. i think i may start crying. wait. stop. i find i sleep best after a good night of dancing. yes. and by dancing i mean drinking. how sick is THAT.
1st love nights at tunnel (wed nights) play some of THE BEST hip hop my ears have heard. loved the music. almost didnt feel like drinking cuz i was enjoying the scene so much.. i said almost. i highly encourage everyone to test drive that night. its music for the soul, yo.
am ridiculously excited for baby lyriq to come. its kind of crazy. i almost freaked out at work today just thinking about it. and then i freaked out about something else at work. sam lopez saw it in my eyes. there were daggers coming out of them. the look of death. im learning how to master it. careful. piss me off enough i just might write a nasty blog about it. and i wont hold back. (flashback to dennys throwdown not so long ago. 'ya. him. that mother fucker thats walking. ya. you. keep walking mother fucker' - i still smile when i think about it)
why do parents let their children wear makeup? it will ruin their skin in the future!! i thank my mother everyday for scolding me every time i dare put on eye shadow and blush when i was a tween. flawless skin is my reward. ahhhhahahhkdfjkajf
time for my girly fix: me + bed + the wedding planner. yesssssssssss!!!!!! i gots my kleenex box ready.
Monday, August 10, 2009
kick ball change
HA! dance that, suckkaaaa!!
am feeling really old. watched the teen choice awards. i remember when i was with the bffs watching THE FIRST ONE in my basement. britney won the lifetime achievement blahblahblah award? wtf. i remember when she won "choice hottie" OHHHHHHH MAN. i totally feel my age right now. it hurts. real deep.
twilight takes the cake, as per usual. when are they coming back to vancouver. i need to express my dedication to the series by finding rpattz and making him love me. right. in a perfect world he would fall in love with me and i would be the miraculous height of 5'2. ive always wanted to be 5'2. seems like a good 'cute' height. the air is far fresher up thurr then it is down hurrr.
need a haircut. and perhaps a mani pedi. been so busy with dramadramadrama that ive forgotten to take care of how i look. shit. dont look at me. hated gsm pictures. HATE YOU, JEN!!! i kid i kid... but seriously. all sorts of ugly.
i think its time i gym it. i say it all the time. but seriously. am feeling soo incredibly ugly these days. and slow. ohhh so slow.
cant listen to slow jamz. they make me cry. i can watch sad movies though! but no. no sad music please. too much crying for one week. dont need more, thank you!!
hah. funny that. boys2men starts playing on my itunes. fuck my life. go away. le sigh... insert sad girly complaints.
the baby shower is this week. a first for many. im freaking out again. flashback to 8 months ago when i got that ohso short txt msg. shit. what do i buy. what do i wear. I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR. what does she need. have people remembered to set the day aside. will there be a huge turnout as i hope there will be. whats to expect. who else will be there. is there more drama in the certain fields that i know still may have drama. will there be drinking. are we getting hammered. i feel like i should get hammered. numbs the pain. SHIT WE SHOULDNT BE DRINKING DURING THESE TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got a new phone. its seriously so G. too G for me actually. im a simple girl. i like to call myself "oldschool" which is code for too lazy to update myself on the latest technology. i have pvr. dont have a clue how to use it. but whatever. i got the G phone. and its dope. however.. ive lost your numbers.. or well, most peoples. so if you txt me.. and i txt "who is this" dont be offended. its a necessary vice.
am still smiling about yesterday. shut up. we dont speak of it still. except for EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! i love.. lamp.
am feeling really old. watched the teen choice awards. i remember when i was with the bffs watching THE FIRST ONE in my basement. britney won the lifetime achievement blahblahblah award? wtf. i remember when she won "choice hottie" OHHHHHHH MAN. i totally feel my age right now. it hurts. real deep.
twilight takes the cake, as per usual. when are they coming back to vancouver. i need to express my dedication to the series by finding rpattz and making him love me. right. in a perfect world he would fall in love with me and i would be the miraculous height of 5'2. ive always wanted to be 5'2. seems like a good 'cute' height. the air is far fresher up thurr then it is down hurrr.
need a haircut. and perhaps a mani pedi. been so busy with dramadramadrama that ive forgotten to take care of how i look. shit. dont look at me. hated gsm pictures. HATE YOU, JEN!!! i kid i kid... but seriously. all sorts of ugly.
i think its time i gym it. i say it all the time. but seriously. am feeling soo incredibly ugly these days. and slow. ohhh so slow.
cant listen to slow jamz. they make me cry. i can watch sad movies though! but no. no sad music please. too much crying for one week. dont need more, thank you!!
hah. funny that. boys2men starts playing on my itunes. fuck my life. go away. le sigh... insert sad girly complaints.
the baby shower is this week. a first for many. im freaking out again. flashback to 8 months ago when i got that ohso short txt msg. shit. what do i buy. what do i wear. I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR. what does she need. have people remembered to set the day aside. will there be a huge turnout as i hope there will be. whats to expect. who else will be there. is there more drama in the certain fields that i know still may have drama. will there be drinking. are we getting hammered. i feel like i should get hammered. numbs the pain. SHIT WE SHOULDNT BE DRINKING DURING THESE TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got a new phone. its seriously so G. too G for me actually. im a simple girl. i like to call myself "oldschool" which is code for too lazy to update myself on the latest technology. i have pvr. dont have a clue how to use it. but whatever. i got the G phone. and its dope. however.. ive lost your numbers.. or well, most peoples. so if you txt me.. and i txt "who is this" dont be offended. its a necessary vice.
am still smiling about yesterday. shut up. we dont speak of it still. except for EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! i love.. lamp.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
how to save a life
MY EMO POST FOR THE MONTH, YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. everyones been so emo these days. might as well join in on the 'fun'
heres a new one: what if you miss someone. but you shouldnt. because those people have caused so much hurt to not only yourself but to those around you. its hard. because you establish what would have been one of the greatest friendships (one that is almost tear worthy let me tell you).. and then.. shit happens. and then time passes you by. and all the memories that were shared were nothing but pictures in your mind. and then you hear the song. the song that always reminds you of that dear friend. oh crap. now for the rest of the concert you start to think, "aww.. back in the day.." you stare into the crowd. and then you think you see him. no. not possible. and then, the fates throw you a curve ball and put the two of you in the same doorway to a pizza place twenty minutes away from the concert venue. FUNNY THAT. hmmms now what? nothing. you walk away from the friend who knew you best. meanwhile your head is screaming to stop but your body is telling you to take that pizza TO GO. you clearly have no control of your motor skills at this point. why the confusion. it should be black and white. they fuck up and make you cry and make you question your beliefs so you cut the friendship. you cut off all ties. it should be black and white. it was for a while. and now, its all so grey.
.. ALMOST bffs.
heres a new one: what if you miss someone. but you shouldnt. because those people have caused so much hurt to not only yourself but to those around you. its hard. because you establish what would have been one of the greatest friendships (one that is almost tear worthy let me tell you).. and then.. shit happens. and then time passes you by. and all the memories that were shared were nothing but pictures in your mind. and then you hear the song. the song that always reminds you of that dear friend. oh crap. now for the rest of the concert you start to think, "aww.. back in the day.." you stare into the crowd. and then you think you see him. no. not possible. and then, the fates throw you a curve ball and put the two of you in the same doorway to a pizza place twenty minutes away from the concert venue. FUNNY THAT. hmmms now what? nothing. you walk away from the friend who knew you best. meanwhile your head is screaming to stop but your body is telling you to take that pizza TO GO. you clearly have no control of your motor skills at this point. why the confusion. it should be black and white. they fuck up and make you cry and make you question your beliefs so you cut the friendship. you cut off all ties. it should be black and white. it was for a while. and now, its all so grey.
.. ALMOST bffs.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
thats what friends are for.
sometimes it takes a kick in the ass to remind us that there are people who matter and there are people who care. i am always checking to make sure that i surround myself with positive people. bakit why? parce que im a crazy person.. who needs constant reassurance that im actually not that crazy. went crazy for a bit due to.. stupid shit. but im back! and i couldnt have done it without the cool kids. i choose to be around these people because i know that when im down, they will be there to pick up my pieces. is that a selfish thought? methinks not because lord knows i will return the favor in full . theres no time for fake. i hate fake. and i refuse to waste my time on useless individuals. to the friendsters, i thank you =)
this weekend was full of.. alcohol. lots of consumption. as per usual. yote saturday = what the fuck was going on. what a gongshow. goodtimes!! shine sunday = i got spat on. its okay though because maybe i was in your way!! hahaha oh michelle. clearly im making up for not drinking on the three day weekend. hit the bottle hard. twas a great weekend.
drunk texting is actually kinda fun. i forgot how much i loved doing that. be prepared, people. youre bound to get one soon enough. sam lopez, you are my first.
brown sugar = AWESOME MOVIE. had a convo with christy before watching. i asked what it was about. she replied "my life." ohh lord. but it has soo many hip hop references that i guess i could sort of understand.. sure. why not. hahah i wish i had a male bff since i was 10 and ended up marrying him! that would be too perfect. (flashback to years back.. never date your bff. it ends badly. i take it all back) key quotes include "when did you fall in love with hip hop" and "youre a perfect verse over a tight beat"
hehe we all know i love my teenage drama series. we all know im a sucker for chick flicks. am going to watch ANOTHER cinderella story soon. thanks nguyen family. you rock my socks.
THE FRAY IS ON WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ive yet to DL their entire new album. shit. and thats my day of errands. 1) costco 2) gsm outfit shopping 3) find my starlets.
THEYRE BACk. THEYRE BAAAAAAAAACK. ive been waiting what is it now? two months? for them to come back. oh lord. welcome back my crazy. the hunt is SO ON!! you know what im talking about. and if you dont.. then you clearly dont know what im all about.
reunion date. i could almost cry about that. hahaha it was a blast. NO GLOWBAL? CLOSED ON AUG3RD?! WHAT THE FUCk. life is over. kidding! went to cactus instead. pretty delicious. and then they took me to WHITE ROCK. ive never been to white rock. and i must say, that i fell in love with white rock. its so pretty!! so cute!! i would hang out there on the regular if only parking were free. 2 bucks an hr. eff that noise. sooo wait. i love how we dubb silly titles to each other: sam was dubbed the smart one. she knows the difference between circumfrance and radius. linda is the dumb one. but shes really not dumb, just slow. (haha i mean that in the most loving way possible) im the funny one. because lets face it, im hilairous no matter what. BUT WHAT IS LISA NGUYEN!? riddle me this.
back to reality. sorta. kinda. not really. oh life. you never cease to fail me.
this weekend was full of.. alcohol. lots of consumption. as per usual. yote saturday = what the fuck was going on. what a gongshow. goodtimes!! shine sunday = i got spat on. its okay though because maybe i was in your way!! hahaha oh michelle. clearly im making up for not drinking on the three day weekend. hit the bottle hard. twas a great weekend.
drunk texting is actually kinda fun. i forgot how much i loved doing that. be prepared, people. youre bound to get one soon enough. sam lopez, you are my first.
brown sugar = AWESOME MOVIE. had a convo with christy before watching. i asked what it was about. she replied "my life." ohh lord. but it has soo many hip hop references that i guess i could sort of understand.. sure. why not. hahah i wish i had a male bff since i was 10 and ended up marrying him! that would be too perfect. (flashback to years back.. never date your bff. it ends badly. i take it all back) key quotes include "when did you fall in love with hip hop" and "youre a perfect verse over a tight beat"
hehe we all know i love my teenage drama series. we all know im a sucker for chick flicks. am going to watch ANOTHER cinderella story soon. thanks nguyen family. you rock my socks.
THE FRAY IS ON WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ive yet to DL their entire new album. shit. and thats my day of errands. 1) costco 2) gsm outfit shopping 3) find my starlets.
THEYRE BACk. THEYRE BAAAAAAAAACK. ive been waiting what is it now? two months? for them to come back. oh lord. welcome back my crazy. the hunt is SO ON!! you know what im talking about. and if you dont.. then you clearly dont know what im all about.
reunion date. i could almost cry about that. hahaha it was a blast. NO GLOWBAL? CLOSED ON AUG3RD?! WHAT THE FUCk. life is over. kidding! went to cactus instead. pretty delicious. and then they took me to WHITE ROCK. ive never been to white rock. and i must say, that i fell in love with white rock. its so pretty!! so cute!! i would hang out there on the regular if only parking were free. 2 bucks an hr. eff that noise. sooo wait. i love how we dubb silly titles to each other: sam was dubbed the smart one. she knows the difference between circumfrance and radius. linda is the dumb one. but shes really not dumb, just slow. (haha i mean that in the most loving way possible) im the funny one. because lets face it, im hilairous no matter what. BUT WHAT IS LISA NGUYEN!? riddle me this.
back to reality. sorta. kinda. not really. oh life. you never cease to fail me.
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