bellini tuesdays at milestones are actually worth it. patio style sippin on a not so alcoholic but equally delicious beverage... i live a very difficult life in case you didnt know. har har harrr.
i retract my emo post. seriously. its the hormones. eff you, monthly visitor. you cloud my judgement and make me think everything is wrong in life when in actuality, i got it hella good. aside from becoming an angry prat, i look forward to menopause on the mere fact that i will bid you adieu.
on that note: please take it from me.. NO. MORE. DRAMA. this is what i think about it. lifes too short to live it negatively so why waste the time we have on things and people that dont matter. i often find it difficult to differentiate what is dubbed insignificant. indecision, you crazy bastard, you.
rockband is seriously life. i love the paramore song but all i have to say is, "SHUT UP WHEN IM TAKING TO YOU" - oh sam lopez. i can play it on medium setting now.. ahhh shiettt suckkas!!
the weather has been super fantastic but really.. i enjoy it only from a sunroof at my workplace. oh is it still sunny? all i have to do is look up.. and then cry because im there and the sun is... there? haha
mind you.. i spent my day off at kits beach. nothing beats sleeping on the beach in what could be mistaken as underwear.. but BECAUSE it has a different fabric.. its a bathing suit and therefore socially acceptable to lay outside in.
i am a fan of twilight. its goodtimes. i have an OCD for it. but MANNNNNNNNNN am i getting annoyed. i do NOT like the idea of a twilight cruise and no. i think its a ridiculous idea to have twilight tours in vancouver. eff that noise, thank you!
song of the day: thats what you get - paramore... for obvious rockband reasons.