Tuesday, June 30, 2009

bonjour jeune fille.

girls weekend was a success! thank you to those who attended. props to michelle for getting carried out of the club before midnight. happens to everyone haha. why did i fall asleep on hastings? what happened between the hours of 3am - 9am?? WHY DID I DRINK SO MUCH?? oh lord. whatever, we looked cute. hahaha

i love you, house of dosa. you are great. on mondays. when its cheap. i love cheap "baby food wrapped in filo." its far more delicious than i make it sound. trust.

do we love life when its drama infested? methinks so. i think without it we wouldnt appreciate the little things. like silence. or a bed. perhaps even the friends who stick around when you yell at them. sex and the city made me think this: why is it that when life is good we freak out expecting the worst is yet to come? because thats how it happens. or at least, thats how we play it out to be.

amen to amazing weather. too bad i cant live it up on canada day with the rest of the world. i live in retail which means, i work stats. the life ive set myself to have certainly does have its flaws. what was it that i heard.. when you walk through one door, another door has therefore shut itself. DAMN.

i have made it my new goal to find josh jackson as he films fringe. he is my bffs shamef--k. i must find him. so she can meet him. and i can officially dub myself as a celebrity groupie. who knows. i could get so good at this "wheres waldo" game i may have to make it a profession and work for PUNKD images. ahhh shiet.

to all you haters out there: MJ was a music ICON. you hear me? ICON. it bugs the crap out of me when tv broadcast stations make a tribute to his life and add his scandals. YES. he had some bumps in the road but theres no need to put that in his TRIBUTE. you put that closet door dirty shit for the biography. his tribute to him and his music should only be of the positive; of the many influences hes made to popular music and to culture as we know it. take THAT and suck on a lemon.

im craving everything from sweets to sours to savory foods. gahhd i hate this time of the month. go away. i might kill you with my words. you have been warned.

Friday, June 26, 2009

to zion.

And I thank you for choosing me
to come through unto life to be
A beautiful reflection of His grace
See I know that a gift so great
is only one God could create
And I'm reminded every time I see your face...

i forgot how amazing lauryn hill was. so much talent, i tell you!! im listening to her miseducation cd and woah man. intense. now THAT is music.

i have this complex where i cant really say what im thinking and moreso i dance around the words in hopes that the person im speaking with will understand what im trying to say. yes. im effed up and confused and it does take a bit of an extra effort to understand my mind. maybe thats why im always so tired.. im working ten times harder against myself to SPEAK ENGLISH. hahahahaha

im so confused as to what i want to do with my life. do i stay with the glorious and yet very tiresome life of retail OR do i move on to something else; something new? im starting to wonder if im settling..

ive started to shop at different stores. its a big step for me. i havent done that since highschool. and i must say that it feels quite liberating. im not pinned down to wear what i see everyday. i can be a bit more creative. it makes me happy. sirens has good cheap clothes. i highly recommend going there.. especially the park royal location (hollaaaaaaa zf!!)

im am eagerly awaiting saturday. girls night, yayyy!!! so shall it be written so shall it be done.

its human nature to want what you cant have - never forget that. THAT is why women are stupid

Monday, June 22, 2009

eat your heart up.

thank goodness for yet again another two days off in a row! the life of retail doesnt offer those very often.. must. maximize. this. moment. but of course i spend most of my time either in my bed or on the couch. im on my feet all day at work theres no need to be on them some more, vraiment?

MMVAs. i still couldnt handle watching it in full. although i did try. taylor is cuteness wrapped up in a 17 yr old boy. the jonas brothers are, dare i say it, good looking? and my life would definitely suck without kelly clarkson aka one of my fave female vocalists.

happy fathers day!! my dad was kinda tired from an overnight trip to seattle with madre. needless to say, it was a quick appreciation dinner haha

i will live the sex and the city lifestyle. NO not the sex part but more like the HELLO I AM AN INDEPENDENT SUCCESSFUL WOMAN, HOLLAAAAAAAA!!! i WILL have cocktails at 2pm with my lunch. i WILL have a group of ladies over at my house to eat chinese take out and i WILL be part of elite society. its gonna happen. youll see!

fuck i forgot to pay my MSP. the government is going to be looking for me soon. ugh.

the countdown is on: 6 days till "party central" aka the ultimate girls weekend. oh man how ive been waiting. amen!!

sometimes id appreciate it if my past left me alone. dont get me wrong, i appreciate friendly conversation every so often but lets be real. i stopped talking to you for a reason. and between me and set individual, i didnt know you for very long so please give it a rest.

so at the korean restaurant we ate at for daddy's day theres this drink desert that they serve and thank god my entire family hates it because i was then entitled to their share. cold cinnamon deliciousness. OHHH YEEAAAA.

im craving pasta. and salad. patio style.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

a little bit.

i am officially in love with drake. AHHHHHHHHH. his cd is soo good. his lyrics are awesome!! hahaha OH. and he uses the back beats to lykke li. umm HI THATS TOO GOOD. hahaha anyways, get his cd. listen to it. love it. i wish he were coming to vancouver sans lil wayne etc. i think give it a year.. he could totally be a headliner. and i will be there. ohhh yes.

IM SO EXCITED FOR LA! YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!! and what would be even more awesome? a road trip to VEGAS. oh man. YES. that would be too good. too freaking good. im currently in the works to see if the times will work out for everyone. TBA!!

commercial drive is actually a nice place to chill. im not a huge fan of the antique shops and what not but just chillin walking around the streets is fun!! you see all walks of life on the drive. OH THE DRIVE, you amaze me.

you know what else amazes me? how a movie like the hangover almost got me crying cuz it was so freaking funny. YES. IT IS FUNNY. i approve. and i hate guy movies like that. i mean, some parts were a little bit random.. kind of like how all of a sudden an asian guy shows off his little friend like its nbd. but other than that, goodtimes!! thanks NBBY for a great day =)

i slept for 12hrs. that is how much work is tiring me. because theres no other reason. i dont do anything other than work.. and maybe walk down my hill because i liek to torture myself. its a very long walk. i look forward to doing it again. woooooooooooooot!!!

my sister defended my honor today. props kid. i dont DO yelling. i very much like to avoid any sort of confrontation with people i basically like or have somewhat of a respect for. but the sis? she will lay down the smack down on you. word to the wise, she WILL kick your ass. just "give her a reason."

herpes will stick with you forever... BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!! no wait, thats not funny at all. but if you were chillin with me zf and kat today, you would understand that it is. dirty people suck. "oh you know insert chicks name here ? i have to leave now."

Hands down
I'm too proud, for love
But with eyes shut
It's you I'm thinking of
But how we move from A to B it can't be up to me
Cause you don't know
who i was before you
basically to see a change in me
i'd be losing, so i just ignore you

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

thats why they call me go girl.

HAHA i watched fans mob rpattz on youtube while he flims a movie in NYC. holy shit canadian fans are FAR LESS crazy than american fans. like wow. youtube that shit if you havent already its most def a good laugh.

sex and the city is a great tv show. i was never a huge fan before. i mean, i would watch it if there was nothing on the tv but for the most part i could hardly consider myself an avid fan. BUT. i was convinced to watch it and surprisingly, its a pretty dope show! hahaha i apparently could learn some important life lessons. here i go giving it a go. why? because i can.

i had a conversation with a friend the other day regarding.. random shit really. haha it started with us discussing how i had to take a pill everyday. she freaks out and assumes im on BC but REALLY its for my asthma. this is the funny part number: a girl goes on BC without having a bf = WHO IS SHE SLEEPING WITH??? but wait!! what if "it helps clear up my pimples." cough bullshit. hmms.. insert 5 minute conversation about whores and how smart itd be if they went on the pill ultimately concluding with the phrase, "do whores.. KNOW theyre whores?" oh chelsea.. the shit we talk about in the back room.

work is EXHAUSTING. like for reals. but i mean, its worth it in the end. im having fun. im getting paid somewhat decently. i cant really complain. im still in no REAL hurry to reach the ultimate career. theres so much of the world that i still have yet to see. you tell me. is it better to see the world when you have responsibilities waiting for you when you get back OR should one take a vacation while theyre responsibilities are practically none?

i miss montreal like crazy. spoke broken french to a customer today. it was grand. je pratique le francais aujourd'hui?? ya. i think thats right. idk. meh. but anyways, mtl was life. it was a great time living there for 5 weeks. oh what i would do to do it again... i miss la belle provence every other day. i miss walking around town with my friends absolutely wasted. i miss the crazy nightlife that i KNOW i was born to be a part of. vancouver, as beautiful of a city you are, you seriously LACK in the party scene. its pathetic really.

damn. you. ALLERGIES!!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

my perogative.

so sometimes when im thinking i think in text. like i think of the sentence i want to repeat to myself in my head. does that make sense? its a very long thought process and perhaps this is why im always the last one who gets the joke.
anyways, i was just laying on my bed listening to the.. dare i admit this.. mama mia soundtrack (quiet you!) when i was trying to think about things. obvs this ends up in a note worthy conversation.

ignorance is bliss.

huh. ive spent the last 20 minutes trying to figure out what it is i want to say to myself repeatedly and its those three words. HOW INTERESTING. but its the truth. dont lie. you agree with it too ;)

people continue to amuse me. thank you for providing some much needed entertainment in my semi exciting life. you are 'e-prop' worthy. hahahahaha oh. and when i say "amuse" i mean "irritate the life out of me."

Monday, June 8, 2009

lil love.

tell me what parent in the right mind tries to ground their 20+ year old children. it doesnt work. take away the car? ya that doesnt work either. but what DOES? im apparently grounded for being an accomplice to my sister's.. shit. you tell me. what do i do. what do parents do? how do you control your 20 year old kids? hmmmmmmmmmms...

graduations always make me happy. theyre full of hope. and happiness. its just a whole crapload of cuteness. maybe because theyre so young and underdeveloped children walking around with their cap and gown. oh the cuteness. i love it all. especially at my high school low budget graduation ceremonies. its all just so fun seeing people and teachers youve known for years.. or at least known of. congrats graduates of 2009. you did good.

the MMVAs look more and more intriguing. GAGA is performing! (i love game!!) and twilight is being visually represented with my "shamefu--," taylor lautner. perhaps i will finally watch the show. in full.

i need food. mmm cheese.

my prediction: lakers are gonna have a clean sweep. and i mean, i LOVE magic. but seriously.. theyre no competition for my kobe. ahhahaha

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

promise in the dark

bellini tuesdays at milestones are actually worth it. patio style sippin on a not so alcoholic but equally delicious beverage... i live a very difficult life in case you didnt know. har har harrr.

i retract my emo post. seriously. its the hormones. eff you, monthly visitor. you cloud my judgement and make me think everything is wrong in life when in actuality, i got it hella good. aside from becoming an angry prat, i look forward to menopause on the mere fact that i will bid you adieu.

on that note: please take it from me.. NO. MORE. DRAMA. this is what i think about it. lifes too short to live it negatively so why waste the time we have on things and people that dont matter. i often find it difficult to differentiate what is dubbed insignificant. indecision, you crazy bastard, you.

rockband is seriously life. i love the paramore song but all i have to say is, "SHUT UP WHEN IM TAKING TO YOU" - oh sam lopez. i can play it on medium setting now.. ahhh shiettt suckkas!!

the weather has been super fantastic but really.. i enjoy it only from a sunroof at my workplace. oh is it still sunny? all i have to do is look up.. and then cry because im there and the sun is... there? haha

mind you.. i spent my day off at kits beach. nothing beats sleeping on the beach in what could be mistaken as underwear.. but BECAUSE it has a different fabric.. its a bathing suit and therefore socially acceptable to lay outside in.

i am a fan of twilight. its goodtimes. i have an OCD for it. but MANNNNNNNNNN am i getting annoyed. i do NOT like the idea of a twilight cruise and no. i think its a ridiculous idea to have twilight tours in vancouver. eff that noise, thank you!

song of the day: thats what you get - paramore... for obvious rockband reasons.