Tuesday, September 20, 2011


upcoming trips that i hope to attend.. money is issue. time off? i am not too worried about.

the vegas. sophia's 25th bday and i have been graciously invited. first week of november. copious amounts of drinking? dancing? im already there.

2) london. to visit my friend, shani. it's her last year there and ultimately the last year i can go and have free accommodation. and i want to see the eastern part of europe before i turn 30. YES.


harry potter land and disney world. my X birthday is coming up. and i need to celebrate. magic kingdom? sorting hat? OH MAN. my youth is slipping between my fingers. i think experiencing these things when we're a bit older is kinda fun. it gives a new experience than what i did when i was younger..

.. and so the saving begins.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

sure thing.

Even when we're down to the wire, babe
Even when it's do or die
We can do it, baby, simple and plain
Cause this love is a sure thing

im such a sucker for slow jams...