as most of you know i am a newb to the 'hockey scene.' god bless the olympics among other influences. thank you for proving me WRONG when i would say in the past time and time again how much hockey sucks. puck in net? please. there is so much more to it... but hey, at least i have mastered the basics!!
i watch the games on tv. i cheer and yell at the screen from time to time. because lets be honest.. if i scream at the tv loud enough they will hear me. they WILL skate harder, damn you!!
ive been lucky enough to watch a few games. and im sorry. but like most things in my life.. its just far better to go through it with a couple drinks on hand. alcoholic much? no. work hard = play hard. and everyone is just much more friendly when we've all drank a few... or maybe thats just me. i DO recall offering my food to people.. i am THAT filipino woman. must.. feed.. EVERYONE!!!
moral of this story: hockey requires drinks.
you know what else a live game has? different people to watch with. par example, today.. i almost wanted to punch the person sitting in front of the sis. because he looked like someone i know (and dislike.. obvs.) but every time he spoke i would give him my death stare. its a bad look. i dont use it often. but when i do. you will FEEL my eyes burning a hole in your head. anyways, he survived. as did i. but good lord when he stood up on a chair i almost felt inclined to push him. law suit waiting to happen? i was falling and your legs were the only things within reach to hold my fall. myyyyy bad? if only...
hockey games also have.. BABY HOCKEY PLAYERS!! the cutest things since.. well.. imagine something really cute. multiply it by a hundred.. and then maybe youll understand how cute these kids were. awwwwwww baby canucks ftw!!
in short: hockey's not that bad. blahblahblah i can already HEAR people laughing at me as they read this. thats right, kids. marzperez is.. dare i say it.. a hockey fan.
now... someone teach me the actual rules of the game. off side?... excuse you?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
the value of friendship cannot be measured based on years they know a person. nor can it be measured on how frequent they hang out... just sayin =)
ive decided its time to start making lunch. because i eat far too much junk. all the mcdonalds and the tiki ming chinese food from the mall foodcourt is making my body DIE. so.. i need to start making food. and by make i mean either microwave or cold cuts. the menu for the week: sandwiches. because lets be real. i may be 24, but i cant cook a decent meal.
you are only as hot as your ugliest friend.. #realtalk
i am a fan of the top 40. i enjoy listening to the radio and knowing what the 'club banger' theme song of the month is. HOWEVER. if someone was to ask me my opinion of music today i would simply say.. it sucks. yes its an opinion and yes. im kind of a hypocrite because i just said that i like top 40. allow me to explain. music today is easy. it has a good beat, catchy lyrics.. you know.. the recipe that screams "i just need airplay, damnit!!" and ya. whatever. good times. but will i enjoy these same songs in 10 years? probably not. you know what songs are still awesome 10 years later?! classic oldschool R&B. im talking brandy, candy rain, and usher before he had a confession. thats whats up.
i wonder what will replace facebook. its been having a good run. nine years going strong. what makes it so different from every other social network? could it be the constant face lifts that it gets? the applications? hmmm.. someone enlighten me.
i need a job. as a social media coordinator. time to make it raaaaaaaaain!!!
i told myself that 2011 i will have NO DRAMA. i mean, people around me can have all the drama they want to participate in. but no. this year, i will not have any! only good thoughts and good times for me. i will not let people interfere! NO SIR.
smile like you mean it...
ive decided its time to start making lunch. because i eat far too much junk. all the mcdonalds and the tiki ming chinese food from the mall foodcourt is making my body DIE. so.. i need to start making food. and by make i mean either microwave or cold cuts. the menu for the week: sandwiches. because lets be real. i may be 24, but i cant cook a decent meal.
you are only as hot as your ugliest friend.. #realtalk
i am a fan of the top 40. i enjoy listening to the radio and knowing what the 'club banger' theme song of the month is. HOWEVER. if someone was to ask me my opinion of music today i would simply say.. it sucks. yes its an opinion and yes. im kind of a hypocrite because i just said that i like top 40. allow me to explain. music today is easy. it has a good beat, catchy lyrics.. you know.. the recipe that screams "i just need airplay, damnit!!" and ya. whatever. good times. but will i enjoy these same songs in 10 years? probably not. you know what songs are still awesome 10 years later?! classic oldschool R&B. im talking brandy, candy rain, and usher before he had a confession. thats whats up.
i wonder what will replace facebook. its been having a good run. nine years going strong. what makes it so different from every other social network? could it be the constant face lifts that it gets? the applications? hmmm.. someone enlighten me.
i need a job. as a social media coordinator. time to make it raaaaaaaaain!!!
i told myself that 2011 i will have NO DRAMA. i mean, people around me can have all the drama they want to participate in. but no. this year, i will not have any! only good thoughts and good times for me. i will not let people interfere! NO SIR.
smile like you mean it...
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
heaven forbid.
what was 2010 to you? how does it compare to the other years? does it measure up or down? 2010 was one of the most dramatic years ive had in a while. but in those past 365 days i learned a lot about myself through the people around me.
part one: the olympics.
no one can disagree that the olympics were nothing less than awesome. although i didnt participate nearly as much as i wanted to, the times that i did were nothing short of amazing. the crowd, the events, the presence!! my fondest moment would have to be when the sis and i went to a hockey game for my birthday. though we knew nothing about the sport, it was entertaining none the less. the olympics were most def a highlight of 2010 because, well, lets face it.. its the olympic games!! and i love to ice dance!!
part two: back to school.
it took me two years but i finally figured it out. i decided that it was time to go back to school and do something for myself. i gradded with a degree that as much as i LOVE, i am not really using. mostly because i had no idea what people do with a history and english degree. dont say teach because i hate children. and yes. because i already tried that option. the answer? marketing communications. im good with sales. and im good with people. the power of persuasion is a gift that i am lucky to have. so, here i go. and one year later with one semester left i can actually say that this was probably the best decision that i made in 2010.
part three: the email (and everything after) this is the part of the story where i can say curiosity got the best of me. and it started with an email at the beginning of the year. after that, the rest is a string of unfortunate events. its the classic scenario. boy likes girl. girl likes boy. boy screws up girl. the end. HOLD UP. let me break it down for you. said person made a huge impact on my 2010, which is strange to admit because said person... was horrible to me. theres no need to explain into details what happened. all that needs to be said is that he played the game very well. and i played along. and it was fun until i lost. i lost my self respect. and thats something i didnt expect to lose. somewhere along the lines i forgot my own worth. all time low. noooooo bueno. but the harsh reality is, is thats the only way i learn.said person had pushed me to an emotional limit that i liked until i didnt. i am thankful that i was pushed to that boundary. i needed to remove myself from the comfort zone ive established in my life. learning experiences ftw!!
part four: the niece.
now, although bebz' birth was in 2009, she was still very important for 2010. she taught me how to like children. ive learned how to be patient, even though i still have quite the short attention span. i am happy to say that i have come a long way from what i was before. she is my sunshine! par example, at work i am always "on," that being, i dont like visits from people because it pulls time away from selling. however, when bebz comes in, work stops. and everyone knows it. because i will stop helping people to play with her. like i said, shes my sunshine. but also a constant reminder that there are more important things in life. every time i see her she has learned something new, whether its clapping her hands or walking. in summary, she showed me this year that life is precious. and i need to slow down and appreciate the little things.
part five: the resolution.
it only took three years. but im finally okay. three years ago i lost my best friend because i was selfish and stubborn. and because he was selfish and stubborn. fast forward to 2010 mid year. drunken phone calls and a few text messages. what else is new!! we are okay. i am okay. after all the time that has passed its funny how the first person i wanted to call when i was upset about said person is the OTHER said person. this person knows me better than i know myself. and although we arent as close as we once were, im happy to say that in 2010 we resolved our issues and are moving forward. this moment in 2010 made me realize that time really can heal all wounds. thank you, dear friend, for being there when i needed to cry. thank you, dear friend, for answering your phone even when you were out with the guys. thank you, dear friend, for everything =)
2010. 52weeks. 365days.
was there drama? obvs.
were their tears? so many.
was there partying? most indeed.
do i regret any of it? not for a second.
part one: the olympics.
no one can disagree that the olympics were nothing less than awesome. although i didnt participate nearly as much as i wanted to, the times that i did were nothing short of amazing. the crowd, the events, the presence!! my fondest moment would have to be when the sis and i went to a hockey game for my birthday. though we knew nothing about the sport, it was entertaining none the less. the olympics were most def a highlight of 2010 because, well, lets face it.. its the olympic games!! and i love to ice dance!!
part two: back to school.
it took me two years but i finally figured it out. i decided that it was time to go back to school and do something for myself. i gradded with a degree that as much as i LOVE, i am not really using. mostly because i had no idea what people do with a history and english degree. dont say teach because i hate children. and yes. because i already tried that option. the answer? marketing communications. im good with sales. and im good with people. the power of persuasion is a gift that i am lucky to have. so, here i go. and one year later with one semester left i can actually say that this was probably the best decision that i made in 2010.
part three: the email (and everything after) this is the part of the story where i can say curiosity got the best of me. and it started with an email at the beginning of the year. after that, the rest is a string of unfortunate events. its the classic scenario. boy likes girl. girl likes boy. boy screws up girl. the end. HOLD UP. let me break it down for you. said person made a huge impact on my 2010, which is strange to admit because said person... was horrible to me. theres no need to explain into details what happened. all that needs to be said is that he played the game very well. and i played along. and it was fun until i lost. i lost my self respect. and thats something i didnt expect to lose. somewhere along the lines i forgot my own worth. all time low. noooooo bueno. but the harsh reality is, is thats the only way i learn.said person had pushed me to an emotional limit that i liked until i didnt. i am thankful that i was pushed to that boundary. i needed to remove myself from the comfort zone ive established in my life. learning experiences ftw!!
part four: the niece.
now, although bebz' birth was in 2009, she was still very important for 2010. she taught me how to like children. ive learned how to be patient, even though i still have quite the short attention span. i am happy to say that i have come a long way from what i was before. she is my sunshine! par example, at work i am always "on," that being, i dont like visits from people because it pulls time away from selling. however, when bebz comes in, work stops. and everyone knows it. because i will stop helping people to play with her. like i said, shes my sunshine. but also a constant reminder that there are more important things in life. every time i see her she has learned something new, whether its clapping her hands or walking. in summary, she showed me this year that life is precious. and i need to slow down and appreciate the little things.
part five: the resolution.
it only took three years. but im finally okay. three years ago i lost my best friend because i was selfish and stubborn. and because he was selfish and stubborn. fast forward to 2010 mid year. drunken phone calls and a few text messages. what else is new!! we are okay. i am okay. after all the time that has passed its funny how the first person i wanted to call when i was upset about said person is the OTHER said person. this person knows me better than i know myself. and although we arent as close as we once were, im happy to say that in 2010 we resolved our issues and are moving forward. this moment in 2010 made me realize that time really can heal all wounds. thank you, dear friend, for being there when i needed to cry. thank you, dear friend, for answering your phone even when you were out with the guys. thank you, dear friend, for everything =)
2010. 52weeks. 365days.
was there drama? obvs.
were their tears? so many.
was there partying? most indeed.
do i regret any of it? not for a second.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
doo wop.
welcome 2011!! i hope that this year will be better than the last. it has to be. PLEASE!!
all the hustle hustle from work and the christmas/new years festivities are finally over. i can breathe again. these last few weeks have been such a blur its bananas!! my room has been a disaster. its almost as if a bomb went off in my closets. am slowly starting to clear out the clutter..
my room is also full of empty but awesome shopping bags. from various purchases. for both you and i. now i know where my money went.. ho humm.
i have an H&M bag. enclosed is a pretty black shirt that does not fit me. wow marzperez. you really failed on that one. i have at least four aritzia bags. which i have now condensed into one with an array of clothes that i do (not) need. who needs three grey oversized cropped shirts? I DO. and who NEEDS a lace top that will only be used as a layering piece? I DO. and lets not forget my monthly pair of leggings. a marzperez wardrobe staple. heck yes.
but what, say you, is my favorite bag thats been lying in my room floor collecting dust? my inlook optical bag. HECK YES. i got myself some new glasses. woooooot. happy new year to me, indeed. why is this the best bag? well 1) my glasses are awesome 2) i got them at 40% off and 3) i love my benefits... saving money FTW!!! to be honest im not sure what im more excited about: the fact that i got new glasses or the fact that i saved money buying them. hmmm...
sidneote: life's a bitch cause a ho is too easy.
hello world, meet my new babies:
all the hustle hustle from work and the christmas/new years festivities are finally over. i can breathe again. these last few weeks have been such a blur its bananas!! my room has been a disaster. its almost as if a bomb went off in my closets. am slowly starting to clear out the clutter..
my room is also full of empty but awesome shopping bags. from various purchases. for both you and i. now i know where my money went.. ho humm.
i have an H&M bag. enclosed is a pretty black shirt that does not fit me. wow marzperez. you really failed on that one. i have at least four aritzia bags. which i have now condensed into one with an array of clothes that i do (not) need. who needs three grey oversized cropped shirts? I DO. and who NEEDS a lace top that will only be used as a layering piece? I DO. and lets not forget my monthly pair of leggings. a marzperez wardrobe staple. heck yes.
but what, say you, is my favorite bag thats been lying in my room floor collecting dust? my inlook optical bag. HECK YES. i got myself some new glasses. woooooot. happy new year to me, indeed. why is this the best bag? well 1) my glasses are awesome 2) i got them at 40% off and 3) i love my benefits... saving money FTW!!! to be honest im not sure what im more excited about: the fact that i got new glasses or the fact that i saved money buying them. hmmm...
sidneote: life's a bitch cause a ho is too easy.
hello world, meet my new babies:

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