thanks pb for the song send. muwahahah its NOT on the cd? wait what? doll domination? oh shit you like it too? insert less man points now.
so i want to make a picnic basket. with sandwiches and potato salad. and juice boxes. and possibly some gummie bears. and maybe i'll throw in some spinach dip for kicks. the problem is 1) theres no one to eat that shit with and 2) i dont have a freaking day off until next week. so i guess my picnic will have to be.. at night?? hahaha
also, i want to have a bbq. friendsters want a bbq? i am offering the household provided that we dont repeat a last year with the po knocking on my door. thanks guys!
i only need to meet rpattz and i can quit this hunt for at least a solid month or something. its freaking draining, yo. but i am super happy that my friends are willing to go with me on the hunt!! from the random dinners to the stalking of the hotels to the driving across into the boonies hehehe and arent you glad you went, michelle? you saw the hotness that was taycob. bow chicka bow wowwwww
AMEN to warm weather. summer i see you coming near and oh man. i am SO READY. last year was a bust. i mean, i had one of the best summers of my life in mtl but seriously.. it was COLD THURR. not enough sunlight. i need my tan sans cancer box
i am sad to report that my oth season 3 disc 5 doesnt work anymore. THIS IS SO UPSETTING!!! it only has one of the best episodes on it (that being, the jimmy edwards shoots tree hill high episode)
speaking of tv.. i missed gossip girl. and heroes!! i mean, it was totally worth it.. it just sucks. thank goodness for the internet. seriously. what would i do without you.
it slides in. it slides out. MUWAHAHHA. i want that phone. i am going to GET that phone. i just need help getting a better plan. i suck at confrontation, for realskies.
i really really REALLY want another vacation to the list. possibly in july. possibly montreal and nyc again?? i really kinda just wanna go back to chi town... i wonder if its possible to do that too?? 10 day vacation is what im allowing myself for the month of july. i am open for suggestions. bwahahha
oooh oooh the american dream ooh ooh do you know what i mean..
im not sure how i feel about my new hair cut still. i like it sometimes.. and other times, i think it looks like a mop. HO HUMMM...
OH! i also want ice cream. and perhaps some sushi town. AHEMAHEM core ladies, make it happen.
ps - if you were at yote on saturday and witnessed the drunkness that was moi.. i do apologize. never again.. or well.. until QUEST, BABYYY!!!!
thats all. its time to make due of the rest of my "weekend." 5 days of wrk here i come... =(
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
after months of searching..
i am one freaking happy camper. went to the 100 monkeys concert the other night. i never wait for anything but THIS CONCERT i waited outside. in the cold. FOR THREE HOURS. ya. im that crazy. but it was all worth it! the band was actually really good.. and extremely good looking. AHAHHAHA!!! i fell in love with the bass player. ooh oww owww!! good music with good company. that was the name of the game. and then... we have.. THIS:

MET MY NUMBER TWO!!! yayy!! who is slowly becoming my number one because he can 1) sing 2) play multiple instruments 3) has a really hot accent 4) is super polite - he stood out there forever to meet his fans (awww!!)
anyways, that is all. life is good right now... aside from the fact im still contemplating what my next step in job is to be.. HMMM.. thoughts??
food for thought: The important thing is not to be bitter over life's disappointments. Learn to let go of the past. And recognize that every day won't be sunny, and when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair remember it's only in the black of night you see the stars. And those stars will lead you back home. So don't be afraid to make mistakes, or stumble and fall, cause most of the time the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you'll get everything you wish for. Maybe you'll get more than you ever could have imagined. Who knows where life will take you. The road is long and in the end, the journey is the destination

MET MY NUMBER TWO!!! yayy!! who is slowly becoming my number one because he can 1) sing 2) play multiple instruments 3) has a really hot accent 4) is super polite - he stood out there forever to meet his fans (awww!!)
anyways, that is all. life is good right now... aside from the fact im still contemplating what my next step in job is to be.. HMMM.. thoughts??
food for thought: The important thing is not to be bitter over life's disappointments. Learn to let go of the past. And recognize that every day won't be sunny, and when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair remember it's only in the black of night you see the stars. And those stars will lead you back home. So don't be afraid to make mistakes, or stumble and fall, cause most of the time the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you'll get everything you wish for. Maybe you'll get more than you ever could have imagined. Who knows where life will take you. The road is long and in the end, the journey is the destination
Sunday, April 19, 2009
blame it.
quite the weekend. blame it on the alcohol for realskies. friday night = fabric!! though i really really REALLY do not like that place, i was there 1) for lings bday cuz i bailed on celebs and 2) chelsea wouldnt have it any other way. anyways. so the night started with miss sam lopez picking my ass up at the household. drinks in hand and conversations about the PI and the next thing you know we're figuring out where to park. fast forward sparksnotes version of the clubscene: rounds after rounds, mardi gras beads (pretty sure rob made me caress his chest one too many times. SICK), more drinks, and some dancing inbetween. after the club was the walk back to the car. OH BUT WAIT MY FRIENDS DIDNT GO BACK TO THE CAR. i somehow ended up walking down gastown alone on the phone with sam lopez looking for her. OH RIGHT. we need food. no one tells me the plans. its a good thing i wasnt too drunk to dial a phone. bwahaha.
next day at 11am my batch of ugly calls me. im incredibly hungover. but all in the name of twilight i got up, showered, and was out the door for the hunt. MY PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED. though i didnt see the gold at the end of the rainbow (that being rpattz and jackson) i did however see a few of the cast members!!
sighting 1 i am an idiot and didnt do proper research. saw a wolf while eating a japadog. saw the wolf. hesitated. got verification by other twilight fans. roho stuffs half of her hot dog in her mouth and we are speed walking LFA style to catch up to him. follow him all the way to yaletown (this is no 5min walk. this is a very long walk/run) we finally catch up to him. OH BUT WAIT. i dont know his name. we think alex? so i go up to him and ask if hes alex NOT THINKING a follow up question for when he said no. later in the day i found out it wasnt alex but it was chaske spencer
i am a dumbass.
sighting 2 me and roho are sitting outside the hotel not where the rest of the ppl are. we are hardcore and sit right outside the lobby doors, yo! so we pass the time by watching the lobby boys break into a company car, watching the twihards, and talking about our weddings when lo and behold i see a hot guy. he had flawless skin and was in a rush to get into the car that was parked in front of where we were sitting. he looked kind of familiar. OH SHIT THATS KELLAN LUTZ. as much time as it took me to realize i see the tween run and scream "KELLAAAAAAAAAAN!!" shit man. i thought i was crazy. OH NO. i am normal. these girls make vancouver people look like idiots. anyways, he goes into his car and is on his way.. lum di dum dum. i was never a fan of him til that moment. he is ridiculously good looking.
sighting 3 i am back on my bench. and am now accompanied by six other people. OH JOY. i see the character, victoria speed walk into the hotel. i wait patiently because we all know she is gonna have to head out eventually. she runs out. shes running late somewhere but is so nice and still took photos. i jumped into one and BAM. got my photo opp. thanks roho for taking my bag as i threw it on you. AHAHHA afterwards we were kindly asked to leave the premises of the hotel. I DONT CURR LIFE IS 60% COMPLETE NOW.
oh! on a pseudo good note. thanks to miss fu went to the cullen house!! its a pretty dope set. didnt see any celebs but still pretty awesome. christy lopez almost had a heart attack when she saw the bright lights. almost as freaky as the teenage twihards. easy kiddo, we dont want to scare them away hahaha.
FUCK LIFE RIGHT NOW THOUGH because robert is at the 100 monkeys concert. right now. and im here. blogging about life. damnit. FUCK LIFE, as linda would say. i just want to give him a hug so i can know first hand that he smells divine... kind of crazy? kind of awesome!
anyways, aside from twilight because i kinda do have a life, i had AYCE with the BP and it was good. who would have thought 3 small asian girls could eat enough for a small family. we WADDLED, not walked, outside of the restaurant and had to walk it off. since we were downtown of course i requested that we did a little walk by the hotel. you know.. just in case. no such luck. all i have to say is that we are fat kids and fat kids unite! at the table we were so full that all of our eyes were half open and it got to the point that we werent even eating. at one point zf had noodles in her mouth.. but only halfway. OH LORD. its okay. blame it on the alcohol. went home afterwards to do some laundry. OH THE LAUNDRY. its been a couple months. thats gross. gross cuz i havent done it in a couple months and gross that i have that much clothing. SIICK.
i am "doubly" better than all of you bitches. roho said so. bwahahaha. oh. and if you cant eat it then you might as well play with it.. im referring to food, of course.
okay. thats all. the cast leaves this week. sadface indeed. what will i do now with my days/evenings off? i guess figure out what you suckkas are doing.. and then write about it.. ya. that sounds pretty good =P
next day at 11am my batch of ugly calls me. im incredibly hungover. but all in the name of twilight i got up, showered, and was out the door for the hunt. MY PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED. though i didnt see the gold at the end of the rainbow (that being rpattz and jackson) i did however see a few of the cast members!!
sighting 1 i am an idiot and didnt do proper research. saw a wolf while eating a japadog. saw the wolf. hesitated. got verification by other twilight fans. roho stuffs half of her hot dog in her mouth and we are speed walking LFA style to catch up to him. follow him all the way to yaletown (this is no 5min walk. this is a very long walk/run) we finally catch up to him. OH BUT WAIT. i dont know his name. we think alex? so i go up to him and ask if hes alex NOT THINKING a follow up question for when he said no. later in the day i found out it wasnt alex but it was chaske spencer
i am a dumbass.
sighting 2 me and roho are sitting outside the hotel not where the rest of the ppl are. we are hardcore and sit right outside the lobby doors, yo! so we pass the time by watching the lobby boys break into a company car, watching the twihards, and talking about our weddings when lo and behold i see a hot guy. he had flawless skin and was in a rush to get into the car that was parked in front of where we were sitting. he looked kind of familiar. OH SHIT THATS KELLAN LUTZ. as much time as it took me to realize i see the tween run and scream "KELLAAAAAAAAAAN!!" shit man. i thought i was crazy. OH NO. i am normal. these girls make vancouver people look like idiots. anyways, he goes into his car and is on his way.. lum di dum dum. i was never a fan of him til that moment. he is ridiculously good looking.
sighting 3 i am back on my bench. and am now accompanied by six other people. OH JOY. i see the character, victoria speed walk into the hotel. i wait patiently because we all know she is gonna have to head out eventually. she runs out. shes running late somewhere but is so nice and still took photos. i jumped into one and BAM. got my photo opp. thanks roho for taking my bag as i threw it on you. AHAHHA afterwards we were kindly asked to leave the premises of the hotel. I DONT CURR LIFE IS 60% COMPLETE NOW.
oh! on a pseudo good note. thanks to miss fu went to the cullen house!! its a pretty dope set. didnt see any celebs but still pretty awesome. christy lopez almost had a heart attack when she saw the bright lights. almost as freaky as the teenage twihards. easy kiddo, we dont want to scare them away hahaha.
FUCK LIFE RIGHT NOW THOUGH because robert is at the 100 monkeys concert. right now. and im here. blogging about life. damnit. FUCK LIFE, as linda would say. i just want to give him a hug so i can know first hand that he smells divine... kind of crazy? kind of awesome!
anyways, aside from twilight because i kinda do have a life, i had AYCE with the BP and it was good. who would have thought 3 small asian girls could eat enough for a small family. we WADDLED, not walked, outside of the restaurant and had to walk it off. since we were downtown of course i requested that we did a little walk by the hotel. you know.. just in case. no such luck. all i have to say is that we are fat kids and fat kids unite! at the table we were so full that all of our eyes were half open and it got to the point that we werent even eating. at one point zf had noodles in her mouth.. but only halfway. OH LORD. its okay. blame it on the alcohol. went home afterwards to do some laundry. OH THE LAUNDRY. its been a couple months. thats gross. gross cuz i havent done it in a couple months and gross that i have that much clothing. SIICK.
i am "doubly" better than all of you bitches. roho said so. bwahahaha. oh. and if you cant eat it then you might as well play with it.. im referring to food, of course.
okay. thats all. the cast leaves this week. sadface indeed. what will i do now with my days/evenings off? i guess figure out what you suckkas are doing.. and then write about it.. ya. that sounds pretty good =P
Thursday, April 16, 2009
not gonna lie...
.. had a 20 min conversation at work basically spewing my guts about twilight and how i need to go hunt for them (its night time! THEYRE COMING OUT SOON!) and then proceed to discuss how my friends bf has 0% body fat. its true. HE IS ROCK SOLID. its like when i hug him im pushing up against a wall and not a person. it hurt the muhshugs, ya dig??
.. had another conversation about how this blog is apparently emo. but im not emo. IM NOT EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE. but you know how you have those days where everything you do makes you seem like youre emo and yet youre not? YA THATS ME. im not emo. im fine. i can listen to sad songs and still be happy. i can write about the unfortunate events of people and still be completely content with myself. oh yes. its the truth.
oh woe is me that i cannot find the cast. SOMEONE HELP ME FIND MY LOVE. bwahhaah jkjk. at this point its just for the love of the game ive developed for myself. will i cry/scream like a school girl if i meet them/ see them?? probably not. i would like to at least have a 2min convo about the weather. AHHAHA BUT I NEED TO FIND THEM FOR THIS TO HAPPEN. you all know.. that if you help me.. i will finally shut the eff up about it and will move on to GOSSIP. im totally behind on my gossip because im so preoccupied with finding the cast. EFF MY LIFE.
.. had a 20 min conversation at work basically spewing my guts about twilight and how i need to go hunt for them (its night time! THEYRE COMING OUT SOON!) and then proceed to discuss how my friends bf has 0% body fat. its true. HE IS ROCK SOLID. its like when i hug him im pushing up against a wall and not a person. it hurt the muhshugs, ya dig??
.. had another conversation about how this blog is apparently emo. but im not emo. IM NOT EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE. but you know how you have those days where everything you do makes you seem like youre emo and yet youre not? YA THATS ME. im not emo. im fine. i can listen to sad songs and still be happy. i can write about the unfortunate events of people and still be completely content with myself. oh yes. its the truth.
oh woe is me that i cannot find the cast. SOMEONE HELP ME FIND MY LOVE. bwahhaah jkjk. at this point its just for the love of the game ive developed for myself. will i cry/scream like a school girl if i meet them/ see them?? probably not. i would like to at least have a 2min convo about the weather. AHHAHA BUT I NEED TO FIND THEM FOR THIS TO HAPPEN. you all know.. that if you help me.. i will finally shut the eff up about it and will move on to GOSSIP. im totally behind on my gossip because im so preoccupied with finding the cast. EFF MY LIFE.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
broken hearted girl.
am i broken hearted? HECK NO. but once again i am pondering muchos. today at work my manager, chels, said that she has never been so happy in her life until recently. how amazing a feeling this happiness. and so i started to think when was the last time i was truly happy about everything and couldnt complain about a lick of my life. and so i thought.. and thought some more.. and then after folding down an entire table i couldnt figure it out. thats kind of sad. and a little bit frightening.
what makes us happy? money. relationships. possessions. etcetcetc. when was the last time you were truly happy about life? are you happy today with whats going on?? sometimes i think we forget to self check ourselves. i sure as heck do. im sorta okay with whats going on. i have a somewhat stable job but would love to get paid more. and possibly have some benefits in my pocket haha. i love my friends, although sometimes i do feel like i spread myself too thin (its tough being populaire bwahaha). and even though i dont have a bf, im fine without. i think guys suck. they lie. they cheat. they steal. they bs us.. according to mya - lie detector. but of course id be lying if i said it wouldnt be nice to be swept off my feet every once in a while. i miss the butterflies, what can i say.
so whats the moral of the story? be happy. its simple and its direct. we always focus on the complicated and this is easy. so easy we oftentimes forget to do it.
choice song: its only life - kate voegele.
what makes us happy? money. relationships. possessions. etcetcetc. when was the last time you were truly happy about life? are you happy today with whats going on?? sometimes i think we forget to self check ourselves. i sure as heck do. im sorta okay with whats going on. i have a somewhat stable job but would love to get paid more. and possibly have some benefits in my pocket haha. i love my friends, although sometimes i do feel like i spread myself too thin (its tough being populaire bwahaha). and even though i dont have a bf, im fine without. i think guys suck. they lie. they cheat. they steal. they bs us.. according to mya - lie detector. but of course id be lying if i said it wouldnt be nice to be swept off my feet every once in a while. i miss the butterflies, what can i say.
so whats the moral of the story? be happy. its simple and its direct. we always focus on the complicated and this is easy. so easy we oftentimes forget to do it.
choice song: its only life - kate voegele.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
questioning existence.
so the other day at work my manager had asked me if she should just buy the purple owl shirt instead of the white. clearly the white one was better so i said "no, G. wait for the white one. never settle." and then it clicked. never settle. im at fault for this always.. settling for less. why do we do that? is it because we're too impatient to wait for the best? or maybe we're not impatient.. maybe we just don't want to end up with nothing; we would much rather have something we kind of want then nothing at all. sad? pathetic? a little bit of both.
i dont know why but as of lately im totally feeling (or re feeling?) the oth soundtracks. if you can, id highly recommend you listen to butch walker's, "mixtape." the intro with the piano.. as simple each clunk of the keys are.. its brilliant! hahahaha i appreciate the little things. when was the last time someone made you a mixtape? hehe. ooh ooh ooh!! and "halo" is also a good song courtesy of haley james scott.. and if you dont watch the show you clearly dont understand that shes the teenager that became rockstar and this was her song, which was totally directed to her exhusband nathan... SO. MUCH. DRAMA in this song. i love it. im only human and thats my saving grace. lyrics can be so powerful sometimes...
heres some food for thought: when life gives you lemons, throw them back only harder =)
i dont know why but as of lately im totally feeling (or re feeling?) the oth soundtracks. if you can, id highly recommend you listen to butch walker's, "mixtape." the intro with the piano.. as simple each clunk of the keys are.. its brilliant! hahahaha i appreciate the little things. when was the last time someone made you a mixtape? hehe. ooh ooh ooh!! and "halo" is also a good song courtesy of haley james scott.. and if you dont watch the show you clearly dont understand that shes the teenager that became rockstar and this was her song, which was totally directed to her exhusband nathan... SO. MUCH. DRAMA in this song. i love it. im only human and thats my saving grace. lyrics can be so powerful sometimes...
heres some food for thought: when life gives you lemons, throw them back only harder =)
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